Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why we love them...AWWW...I can't believe I just said that...some one slap me...

AWWW they are so cute...makes me want to puke...seriously what the hell, I don't think that my relationship looked that cute from the outside...Oh the lucky ones...Maybe its because he is ass smakingly sexy and she has that I am sexy but don't know it look about her, and when they are together...BOOM!!!! What the hell...why doesn't shit like that ever happen to me? Who knows maybe it did and I was oblivious to my situation...LOL..anyway just thought I would share this little tid bit of there intoxicating love story...that we all find ourselves secretly obsessing over...blah fucking you monkeys...Chapter 6 is coming soon...huggies and squishies...ALOHA

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