Sunday, September 5, 2010

Its Raining Shitty Socks..LMFAO...Funniest Story Ever!!!!

So, once upon a time on a island far far away there lived a smoking hot chica named CrazyKate. She loved to spend her time at the beach, going to the bar with her friends and just having good ol fun. One night she met her buddy Andy at one of their favorite bars, where $5 dollar pitchers of beer were plentiful and the shots were poured non-stop. Well after a long night of fun filled drinking and laughing, Andy ended up passing out on Kate's apartment floor. Only to find himself awake in her bathroom the next morning. Now that isn't strange until he found himself in a bit of a situation. Following his morning after shit, he discovered that there wasn't any toilet paper..."Oh No what is Andy going to do?" Have no fear, being the resourceful quick thinker that Andy is, he came up with a solution to his shit covered ass. And the answer was there on his foot, in all of its cotton glory. So, in his moment of genius Andy pulled the sock from his foot and wiped. Situation averted. Until he realized, he had to do something with this shit covered sock. Its not like he could flush it. So, in another moment of pure and unwavering genius he walked out to my Lanai, which was on the 7th floor of my apartment building, and tossed it to the heavens. He let the wind take it away. Unfortunately being that his sock was covered in shit, it didn't exactly have the potential for flight that he thought, so the sock went plummeting back to earth. Only to land on the hood of some poor unsuspecting drivers car. "OOPS" As the driver hears a thud, from atop his vehicle, he comes screatching to a halt to get out and asses the damage. The man climbs out, and reaches to grab this strange object that fell from the heavens and landed on his car, hoping for perhaps a gift from God, maybe a bag full of cash, or a genie in a lamp. But when he grabbed on to that poly-cotton blend all he found was a hand full of shit. And for that poor asshole it rained shitty socks, a day that will live in infamy forever stained in his memory and on his hand. THE END!!!!

That my monkeys was a story my dear friend Andy told me last night at the bar...I instantly jumped out of my chair laughing and dancing around in circles...That my dear little hookers, was the funniest story I have ever heard!!!! Now I only have two questions for you: 1. Why do people always take a shit at my house? And 2. What type of socks was Andy wearing, were they tube socks or perhaps something different?

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